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Utvärdering av Idefics intervention efter knappt 2 år Huvudresultatet är negativt Övervikt + fetma Interventions-områden 19.0 till 23.6 % Kontroll-områden 18.0 till 22.9 % NS Marginella effekter BMI z-score flickor: Intervention från 0.30 till 0.40 Kontroll från 0.25 till 0.45 p=0.042 Kost Intervention minskad sugar propensity Es wird untersucht, inwieweit die IDEFICS-Intervention als gutes Praxisbeispiel dienen kann. Zu diesem Zweck werden die einzelnen Module beschrieben und erzielte Effekte diskutiert. The IDEFICS Intervention Toolbox - A Guide to Successful Obesity Prevention at Community Level. By Vera Verbestel, Stefaan De Henauw, Staffan Marild, Stefan Storcksdieck genannt Bonsmann, Laura Fernández Celemín, Katharina Gallois, Holger Hassel and Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij. Submitted: June 20th 2011 Reviewed: December 7th 2011 Published: May The IDEFICS intervention consists of a general and standardized intervention framework that allows for cultural adaptation to make the intervention feasible and to enhance deliverability in all participating countries. The present manuscript demonstrates that the development of an intervention is a long process that needs to be done systematically. Idefics ta fram riktlinjer för preventivt arbete riktat till barn (Bammann et al., 2006).

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in young children : a cross-sectional study (the IDEFICS study). psychosocial well-being and children's BMI trajectory, as well as exploring the effect of the intervention in the IDEFICS (Identification and prevention of dietary-  IDEFICS-studien (Identification and prevention of dietary- and metoder och samhällsbaserad intervention med hälsofrämjande och  Dietary intervention impact on gut microbial gene richness. A Focus on Parents Results from the IDEFICS Study, (2014); Hager E. et al. I samband med en intervention för att förebygga fetma analyserades också Cypern, Estland, Tyskland, Ungern, Italien, Spanien och Sverige ingår i IDEFICS. Programmet Sacina har i vår kartläggning och i Idefics intervention använts för näringsberäkning och insamling av kostdata.

Uppsats: IDEFICS intervention påverkade barnens totala tid i fysisk aktivitet. I IDEFICS-studien har ett samhällsbaserat program mot övervikt och fetma utvecklats. För att kunna styra de hälsofrämjande insatserna användes Intervention  intervention for the prevention of childhood obesity in a multi-centre European project: the IDEFICS intervention2011Ingår i: International Journal of Behavioral  Developing the IDEFICS community-based intervention program to enhance del i EU-projektet IDEFICS : Intervjuer i fokusgrupper, Resultatet i korthet/rapport.


2011-04-12 Fat, sugar and water intakes among families from the IDEFICS intervention and control groups: first observations from I.Family Obes Rev. 2015 Dec;16 Suppl 2:127-37. doi: 10.1111/obr.12325. Authors L IDEFICS intervention prevented obesity in young children aged 2 to 9.9years.

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PubMed Article PubMed Central Google Scholar 19. Ahrens, W. et al.

Idefics intervention

The IDEFICS intervention trial to prevent childhood obesity: design and study methods. Obes. Rev. 16, 4–15 (2015). PubMed Article PubMed Central Google Scholar 19.
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The IDEFICS study trialled a community‐oriented intervention, working with schools, parents and local authorities to promote obesity‐prevention messages, such as the importance of water, fruit and vegetable consumption, reducing TV watching (as a key sedentary behaviour) and ensuring adequate sleep time. Design & intervention messages One of the primary objectives of the IDEFICS study was to develop, implement and evaluate a setting-based community-oriented intervention programme in 2- to 9.9-year-old children in eight European countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Sweden). IDEFICS - Identification and prevention of Dietary- and lifestyle-induced health EFfects In Children and infantS. The IDEFICS study started in September 2006 and ended in February 2012 after a prolongation of 6 months.

Background: This paper reports on the effectiveness of the prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants (IDEFICS) intervention on objectively measured physical activity (PA) and sedentary time (ST) in 2- to 9.9-year-old European boys and girls. The IDEFICS intervention was developed using the intervention mapping protocol and aims for a healthy diet, more physical activity, and relaxation. For the implementation of the IDEFICS intervention, ten modules targeting different levels were developed. One purpose of 'identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants' (IDEFICS) is to implement a standardized community-based multi-component healthy eating intervention for younger children in eight different countries.
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doi: 10.1111/obr.12325. Authors L Process evaluation is an essential part of intervention evaluation that is often overlooked or reported limitedly. This chapter explains in detail how the process evaluation within the IDEFICS study 2011-04-12 The IDEFICS intervention: what can we learn for public policy?

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The present manuscript demonstrates that the development of an intervention is a long process that needs to be done systematically. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate children’s diet, BMI z-score, and parental feeding practices (PFPs), in relation to mutans streptococci (MS) count, psychosocial well-being and children’s BMI trajectory, as well as exploring the effect of the intervention in the IDEFICS (Identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants) study on diets of families five years after the intervention. To stop the epidemic of diet- and lifestyle-induced morbidity in European children, IDEFICS will (1) enhance the knowledge of the health effects of a changing diet and an altered social environment and lifestyle of infants and children and (2) develop, implement and validate specific intervention approaches, focusing on the age group of 2 to 10 years. OBJECTIVES: The primary aim of the present study was to obtain insight into parents' perception of the IDEFICS intervention at the school or preschool/kindergarten and community levels and whether they received specific materials related to the intervention. The secondary aim was to analyse whether parents who reported higher levels of exposure to the IDEFICS intervention had children with The IDEFICS intervention was developed using the intervention mapping protocol and aims for a healthy diet, more physical activity, and relaxation. 2011-02-25 The IDEFICS community-oriented intervention programme: a new model for childhood obesity prevention in Europe?

sexåriga barn.29 IDEFICS-studien är en omfattande europeisk studie som har ”Adherence to the obesity-related lifestyle intervention targets in the IDEFICS  Programmet Sacina har i vår kartläggning och i Idefics intervention använts för näringsberäkning och insamling av kostdata. av M Dahl · 2016 — Intervention i form av fysisk träning och kostrådgivning till personer med. MMC har på kort sikt visat definitions and results of the IDEFICS study. International  Vi ska nu utveckla en metod för intervention som tar hänsyn till så många Idefics (Identification and prevention of dietary and lifestyle-induced  är familjestödsprogram eller webbaserad intervention. Statsbidraget för dig som arbetar med att främja fysisk aktivitet Idefics.